Indiana Medicaid program could be blueprint for Trump

Trump's choice to oversee Medicare and Medicaid devised Indiana's alternative Medicaid program

Maureen Groppe and Tony Cook
Seema Verma, president and founder of SVC Inc., gets into an elevator as she arrives at Trump Tower, November 22, 2016 in New York City. President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team are in the process of filling cabinet and other high level positions for the new administration. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON — As governor of Indiana, Mike Pence created an alternative Medicaid program he hoped could be a national model for revamping the joint federal and state health care plan for the poor.

On Tuesday, the architect of Pence’s program was tapped by President-elect Donald Trump to head the agency that oversees Medicare and Medicaid programs.

If confirmed, Seema Verma is expected to grant more latitude to states in crafting Medicaid programs.

She called the plan she crafted for Pence "the most significant departure from traditional Medicaid ever approved." The program requires participants to make monthly contributions into accounts modeled after Health Savings Accounts used in the private sector.

The Obama administration has limited penalties Indiana can impose on recipients who don’t make their contributions. The administration also does not allow states to require work as a condition of Medicaid eligibility something that Pence has proposed.

“Pence and Trump have made a big deal about giving the states more flexibility and autonomy in managing their Medicaid programs, and she would appear to be the perfect person, given her expertise, to manage that rollout of more state flexibility,” said Robert Laszewski, president of Health Policy and Strategy Associates, a consulting firm in Alexandria, Va.

Len Nichols, a health policy professor at George Mason University, called Verma
“very knowledgeable, and very conservative.”

“(She’s) maybe (the) best combo we could hope for, given how (the) Rust Belt voted,” he said in an email.

Other health care experts worry what Trump’s choices of Verma as head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Georgia Rep. Tom Price as Health and Human Services secretary will mean for the federal health care programs that Republicans argue need more fiscal controls.

“Those who are concerned about the health and well-being of Americans who rely on Medicaid and Medicare should brace themselves for tumultuous times ahead,” wrote Joan Alker, executive director of the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families.

In addition to being in charge of Medicare and Medicaid, Verma would also oversee the federal health exchanges set up by the Affordable Care Act for people who don’t receive insurance through a government program or an employer.

Trump has promised to replace the Affordable Care Act, but it will take time to put a new system in place.

Laszewski said private insurance market is not an area of expertise for Verma, but she will have to focus on it because the exchanges are on shaky ground.

“That’s going to be a huge issue for her,” he said. “Do they want the market to explode and take the blame for it prior to the 2018 elections?”

Verma could also face a big challenge in adjusting to the large bureaucracy. Verma’s Indianapolis-based consulting firm, SVC Inc., employs about a dozen people. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services employ about 6,000 people.

“She has no experience running an organization. Her job has been on the sidelines as a consultant lobbing these things in,” said Deb Minott, a former secretary of the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration under Pence. “She’s a completely untested person when it comes to running an organization even close to that size.”

But Minott, and others, praised Verma’s knowledge of Medicaid.

“She is a wizard with finances and dealing with all kind of fiscal issues associated with Medicaid,” said Pat Miller, the longtime former chairwoman of the Indiana Senate’s Health and Provider Services Committee. “She will be a real asset as people look for ways to change the Obamacare health plan.”

Seema Verma, powerful state health-care consultant, serves two bosses

Verma declined an interview request.

In Trump’s statement announcing the pick, Verma said she looks forward to helping him “tackle our nation’s daunting healthcare problems in a responsible and sustainable way.”

After receiving a master’s degree in public health from Johns Hopkins University, Verma was hired by the Marion County Health and Hospital Corp. to work on a health plan to assist low-income patients at Indianapolis’ public hospital, then called Wishard.

“The greatest thing about having that experience at Wishard is that it was a hands on experience,” said Mitch Roob, who hired Verma. “It wasn’t an ivory tower kind of thing. We were able to understand what kind of products might work for that population.”

Roob would later work with Verma on the initial version of Indiana’s alternative Medicaid program  developed under Gov. Mitch Daniels.

“Low-income Hoosiers were the first in the nation to experience real consumer-driven healthcare,” Daniels said in a statement. “I expect she will serve our nation with excellence as administrator of CMS."

After Pence succeeded Daniels, he hired Verma to develop an expanded version of the Medicaid program that would qualify for federal funding under the Affordable Care Act.

“In time, people will come to see that we’re not expanding traditional Medicaid,” Pence said as he sought the Obama administration’s approval of Healthy Indiana Plan 2.0. “We’re reforming traditional Medicaid.”


Indiana battling feds over Medicaid review

GOP state Rep. Ed Clere, who chaired the Indiana House’s Public Health Committee at the time of the rollout, said the jury is out on whether the program’s personal responsibility requirements improve health outcomes.

“It’s important to keep in mind that HIP 2.0 is a three-year demonstration project, and we’re just now nearing the end of the second year,” said Clere, R-New Albany. “So there’s a lot of evaluation that still needs to be completed before anyone draws final conclusions.”

Judy Solomon, vice president for health policy at the liberal leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, said there’s evidence that HIP 2.0 is keeping some eligible low-income people from enrolling and some enrollees from getting the care they need. She also questions how the personal accounts recipients contribute to can be serving as the hoped-for incentive for personal responsibility when a survey found fewer than half of the recipients knew they had one.

“It’s hard to claim success if people don’t even know they had them,” she said.

Alker, with the Georgetown center, expects the new administration to test what the law allows.

“We are going to see a lot of questions being raised about what you can and cannot waive in the Medicaid statute,” she said. “But in general … I do think that we will see some potentially far reaching changes contemplated to Medicaid that will erect more barriers to coverage, and in some cases very punitive barriers.”

Laszewksi said GOP-controlled states in particular are likely to seek changes.

“This could really give us an opportunity to see some competition between blue and red states in the way they manage their Medicaid programs,” he said.

And the blueprint for many of the red states could be Indiana.

“I think what this means,” Miller said, “is that the federal government will look to Indiana as having a leading position in coming to terms with changes to Obamacare.”

Contact Maureen Groppe at mgroppe@gannett.com. Follow her on Twitter: @mgroppe.

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